SAP Softwareentwicklung

yunIO Use Cases

Learn how yunIO is used in real life

With the help of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) technology, recurring, rule-based SAP transactions can be easily automated and data can be transferred and processed in third-party systems. yunIO is versatile and is already used for various SAP process automations and workflows. Below you will find an overview of different use cases. Thanks to regular updates and the constant exchange with our customers, we are continuously expanding the list of exemplary yunIO use cases.

Application scenarios with yunIO

Suggestions or questions?

Do you have ideas for further use cases or would you like to learn more about possible application scenarios with yunIO? Then we look forward to hearing from you!
We would be happy to discuss your business case with you and provide support for your individual challenges without any obligation.
Together we will find the right solution for you.

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