Project Description

04/13/2023 – 11:00AM PDT
Data integration between SAP and Power Platform
To drive its IT modernization strategy, Heytex Group was looking for a way to create an interface for data exchange between SAP and Microsoft Power Platform. The solution needed to be easy to implement, reusable and transparent. In this webinar, we will share our customer’s use case and how they successfully implemented their requirements with yunIO.
To get you started, our Sales & Partner Manager Tyler Reynolds will first give you a brief overview of Theobald Software and introduce you to the basic features of yunIO.
The webinar will then focus on presenting the use case.
Here we will show you how yunIO is used at Heytex to bring SAP data into the MS Power Platform. Application examples that have been implemented so far include the provision of item and batch master data from SAP for generating customer complaints as well as the retrieval of customer data for an advertising app. In the course of 2023, further areas of application are to follow and all solutions previously provided on a SharePoint server are to be migrated to MS Power Platform.