SAP Softwareentwicklung

What makes us different from other software solutions!

Why Theobald Software?

Connecting different applications to your SAP system has never been so easy. Find out how we enable you to access your SAP data.

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Testimonial Theobald Software

“The best SAP interface is the one that no-one even notices.”

Patrick Theobald, Founder of Theobald Software

SAP Integration with Theobald Software?

How our software makes your daily work easier


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Important benefits at a glance

What makes our solutions so special


Get results in just a few hours and benefit from our exceptional service.


The simple, high-performance data-loading process enables data transfer to take place automatically, even without programming expertise.


Integrated HTTPS/SNC encoding guarantees that your SAP data is imported into your required target environment securely.


Using our solutions, you can extract your data in SAP to Snowflake or any database, or analytics, BI or cloud solutions.


Our SAP-certified ERPConnect product is the core of all our products, and is responsible for the connection to the SAP system.



Would you like to find out more?

In that case, simply contact us. We will be glad to help.

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