Project Description

Soluções de Negócio


A BHS Kriptos Soluções de Negócio Ltda
Av Raja Gabaglia 4343 4 andar
30350-577 Belo Horizonte

Phone +55 31 30719090


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Company profile

BHS Kriptos is a BHS group company based in Belo Horizonte MG but with clients from various parts of Brazil, whose purpose is to empower people and organizations with technologies and services that allow them to make the best decisions based on data analysis . With more than 30 years in the industry and more than 200 employees, 90% of which are technology experts, BHS has a comprehensive portfolio to optimize your business through technology solutions to support you in the digital journey. The partnership with Theobald adds to the BHS Kriptos portfolio tools that will support SAP customers to extract their data and have more analytical options that contribute to better business decision-making.

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